Monday 12 September 2016

Monday September 12th 2016


Here is what we did today!

Gym: Please see Mr. H's blog for more information.
Spelling: First we read over the passage together and defined the words. Next we worked on the spelling pages in their books. The test will be on Friday.
Language/UOI: Today we worked on commas! We went over how you use a comma. They told me that you use a comma in a list and when you are directing a sentence towards another person (direct address). Next they used sentences and put elbow pasta to show where the comma goes.
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


UOI: Today we worked on the IB learner profile "Inquirer". We read a book called "Counting on Frank". Next we did a journal entry. They had two options. They could write about how the boy in the book was an inquirer or how someone in their life was an inquirer. Some wrote about themselves!
Math: Today we started working on patterns in the addition chart. We talked about three patterns. First was "number order". This means that if the numbers are flipped the answer stays the same. The second pattern was "zero". This means that if you had any zero to a number the number stays the same. The final was "doubles". This means that if you add two numbers together you are adding doubles. Finally we talked about finding all of the pairs that make a sum (the answer to an addition problem) For example: 1+9=10 2+8=10 3+7=10. One number is increasing each time while the other decreases


We used this time to finish up language, UOI and Math

Have a great night!

Miss Ross

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