Friday 9 September 2016

Friday September 9th 2016

Happy Friday!

Here is what we did today.

House game: Today we played musical chairs!

Music: Please see Mr. Andrei's blog for more information.
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


UOI: Today we continued to work on our IB learner profile pictures. First we brainstormed the meaning and examples of each profile that we were working on. Next the children drew pictures of what the learner profile meant to them. Today they were working together as a team! They are doing a great job!

Math: Today we played math games according to our next math unit that we are going to start next week.

1. Zoom: This is a multiplication game similar to uno

2. Patterning: They created patterns out of the hundreds chart!

3.Adding/subtracting Baseball: This is a game for quick mental adding and subtracting practice

We are starting a weekly math inquiry question! Each week students will be given a paper with a math question to make them think about math outside school! If they complete it they will be given popcorn points AND house points! This weeks question is: How do we use math outside school?


UOI/Language: Today we worked on capital letters! First we talked about what words use capital letters. They told me: Names of people and pets, the sight word I, places, holidays, days of the week, months of the year and the beginning of the sentence. Next I put words up on the board and the students were given a capital letter and a lower case letter. They had to determine which letter to use. Finally they completed a worksheet in their writing workbooks.

Have a great weekend!

Miss. Ross

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