Wednesday 18 October 2017

Wednesday October 18th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Math: Today we learned about subtraction on 3 digit numbers! We did many examples on the board about borrowing numbers from our neighbour columns.

Step 1: Subtract the ones

Step Two: Next, we do the tens stripe...  Remember that the 3 is crossed out, so ignore it!  We can't do 2-5, so we'll need to borrow from the hundreds stripe

Now, we can subtract the tens stripe... and the hundreds stripe:

Language: Today we worked on common noun and proper nouns! We learned that a common noun is general and a proper noun is specific and needs a capital letter. First we played proper noun tic tac toe where they each box had a common noun and they had to make it a proper noun in order to have that as their space. Next we did a worksheet and took up the answers. They did really well!


Gym: Please see Mr. B's blog for more information

UOI: Today we did the analyzing portion of the summative. First we went over the analysis they did previously and talked about where they went wrong. Next we moved onto analyzing our partners ad's. I think it went really well! Tomorrow we will be practicing for our presentation.


French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Math worksheet
*Raz kids twice before Sunday
*Read 25 minutes
*Spelling due Thursday
*Spelling Test Friday
*Summary due Thursday

*Field trip form due tomorrow
*Winter uniform starting now
*Picture day October 26th
*After care due October 28

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