Friday 27 October 2017

Friday October 27th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Math: Today we talked about multiplication and the idea that it is the same as repeated addition. We looked at groups of items and how we can add and multiply them. Here are some examples we did.

We also did some examples together on the board.

Music: Please see Mr. Oliver's blog for more information
Spelling: We completed the test and they will be returned on Monday
Language: Today we continued reading the chapter from the Little House in the Big Woods.

Here is the link for the book. You need to click on "pdf (tablet)" in the middle of the page and that will bring you to the file:

We are going to complete the activity on Monday.


Gym: Please see Mr. B's blog for more information.
UOI: We read a First Nation Creation Story to learn about their views and beliefs with the earth and nature. We compared them to the views of the pioneers and spoke about how much they differ. The students completed a graph that compared and contrasted the two-different point of views. We learned that the First Nations people believed that the land owned them and the pioneers believed that they owned the land and could make any changes they wanted. The First Nations people made minimal changes to the land and prayed and thanked the land when they made changes.

Here is the story we read.

Here is another if you are interested.


French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Raz kids twice before Sunday
*Read 25 minutes
*UOI Worksheet if not done
*Math Worksheet

*After care due October 28

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