Tuesday 17 October 2017

Tuesday October 17th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Math: Today we talked about subtraction strategies we can use while doing mental math. The strategies we used were the same as addition but used differently.

1. Doubles: if 7+7 =14

We can switch around the numbers and use that knowledge differently. 14-7=7

2. Near Doubles

3. Make Ten

We did some examples together on the board and then did some textbook questions.

Music: Please see Mr. Oliver's blog for  more information
Language: Today we used our knowledge of summarizing to write our own summary. I read them the book "The three little pigs reimagined" and they wrote the somebody, wanted, but, so, then and the summary independently. They had time in class to work on it but if it was not done it is due on Thursday.


Gym: Please see Mr. B's blog for more information.
UOI: Today we continued to work on our summative project. Everyone should be finished or almost finished their good copy of their project. We will begin analyzing our partner's ad tomorrow.


French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Math worksheet
*Raz kids twice before Sunday
*Read 25 minutes
*Spelling due Thursday
*Spelling Test Friday
*Summary due Thursday

*Field trip form due tomorrow
*Winter uniform starting now
*Picture day October 26th
*After care due October 28

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