Monday 2 October 2017

Monday October 2nd 2017


Here is what we did today.

Math: Today we talked about putting numbers on a number line. We talked about how we can use halves to help us figure out where numbers should go. We started by putting the half way mark on the hundreds chart. From there we can half each side and use those as benchmarks. We did some examples on the board together first. Next we went into the hallway and made a giant number line and put each number where it should go. They did really well!

Reading Buddies: Today we did reading buddies with Ms. Bancud's class!

Language: We continued to work on our international day presentation.


Spelling: Spelling has been handed out and is due on Thursday. The test is also on Thursday.
UOI: Today we practiced and filmed our PSAs! They learned that they need to work on their communication and listening skills as that helped the group to work together. Take a look they turned out really well. The videos are on youtube but it is an unlisted link. You can only see the video with the link provided.

Alyssa, Adam, Andreas, Vidhi and Tara:

Kareena, John, Suditi, Aarsh and Zeeshan:

Ruhaan, Medha, Gabriel and Jordan:

Anthony, Jorvin, Sanjana and Zain:


French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.
Albert's insomnia: We ended the day playing a mental math game! We ended at 31 today! We passed our goal! Great work!

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Math worksheet
*Read 25--log
*Raz kids twice before Sunday
*Spelling test Thursday
*Spelling due Thursday

*International day Thursday 2:30-3:15
*Activity sheet due Thursday

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