Thursday 6 October 2016

Thursday, October 6th, 2016


Here is what we did today.

Spelling test: The tests should be signed and returned on Monday.
Language: Today we continued to read "Little House in the Big Woods." This chapter was about making bullets and cleaning the rifle before hunting. After we read the book each child was given a set of instructions for how to clean the gun. We talked about "bossy verbs". They tell us what to do such as, place, put or fill etc They had to put themselves in order from beginning to end. They had trouble but we did it together!

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


Math: Today we did our math test! They worked very well and tried very hard.

As some of you may already know, we are going to be re-doing the math test on Tuesday. Some of the students struggled and we felt that the students knew more than what was reflected in the test. They will be given a new test on Tuesday. They have learned so much this unit and I know they will do very well on the test on Tuesday. 

Although I would not stress about this test, here is some review for the kids to complete if you wish to have some additional practice. It has also been emailed to you.

UOI: Today we started working on our summative project. They are very excited to be researching all of these topics!

There has been some confusion about the summative and after some deliberation with the other grade 3 teachers we have changed it slightly. The children are required to do 4 main topics in their brochures: fire safety, water safety, bike safety and community safety. Originally the fifth topic was school safety. If the students wish, they can choose a different form of safety for the final topic (E.g. sports safety or car safety, etc). Each page in their brochure will represent a different form of safety. If they want to continue with school safety that is acceptable. They should have all of their information and pictures ready for Tuesday. 


UOI: We continued to work on our UOI summatives.
Gym: Please see Mr. H's blog for more information.

Thanksgiving: After gym we wrote about what we are thankful for! They wrote them on a leaf and will be placed outside Ms. Schwarz room.

Have a great weekend!

Miss. Ross

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