Here is what we did today.
Spelling: Spelling is due Thursday and the test is on Friday.
Arts night: We are continuing to practice for arts night. It is really coming along well!
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.
UOI: We have started working on the planning section of our summative. Please make sure that research has been brought in this week as the kids are marked on it. Planning needs to be done by Friday.
Novel Study: We read 10 more pages in the secret garden. They are loving it and don't like when they have to stop reading! They are to finish one page of their novel study duotang tonight.
Presentations: We did two more presentations from our story unit. We finally only have two left! WOO!
Math: Previously we talked about probability in terms of words. Today we talked about probability and the chances of something happening using numbers. This is very similar to fractions. The probability of landing on the colours are following:
red: Unlikely, 1 in 8 or 1/8
Yellow: Equally likely to land on yellow and blue, 2 in 8 or 2/8
blue: Equally likely to land on yellow and blue, 2 in 8 or 2/8
Green: Likely, 3 in 8 or 3/8
Orange: Impossible
Gym: Please see Mr. Macdonald's blog for more information.
Have a good night!
Miss. Ross
*Spelling due Thursday
*Spelling test Friday
*Math page 192-193
*Last page of novel study
*Lunch due June 1st
*Bake sale Tuesday/Wednesday
*Casual Day Wednesday