Wednesday 13 September 2017

Wednesday September 13th 2017


Here is what we did today.

We started a new and fun way for me to get the class' attention. I say HOCUS POCUS and they say EVERYBODY FOCUS!!

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.
Morning meeting
Music: Please see Mr. Oliver's blog for more information.
UOI: Today we talked about logo's and slogans! They did really well! We learned that a logo is a symbol that represents a brand. We did a worksheet in which they had to name as many logos as they can in a few minutes with a partner. I was so impressed they knew them all! We talked about the features of a logo. Next we learned that a slogan is a phrase that represents the brand. We did a similar activity in which they had to name as many slogans as they can in a few minutes with a partner then talked about the features of a slogan. They did really well! Finally we created a company together called "Field Fun". This company has all things soccer! We crated a logo that was a soccer ball in motion. We ran out of time before we could choose a slogan but they had some great ideas!


Gym: Please see Mr. B's blog for more information.
Math: So some of the children were very confused about the math last night so we took today to go over the concepts again. Here are the main sections that they are confused about.

Number pattern: Simply state the numbers in the pattern in order. For example: 3,6, 9,12, 15, etc

Pattern rule: This states how to recreate the pattern. For example: Start at 3 count on by 3

Position pattern: Always start with the first number in the pattern. Find the diagonal pattern. Now you need to figure out how you get from one number to the next number in the diagonal pattern. For example: How you get from 3 to the next number in the diagonal patter which is 12 "Start at 3 go 1 down 1 left". How you get from 6 to the next number in the diagonal pattern which is 15 you go one down and one left.

Pattern rule and position pattern are needed together. The pattern rule tells us to go every third box. Along with the position pattern we can complete the hundreds chart pattern easier. They must go together. You need the pattern rule in order to understand the position pattern.

We have gone through this step by step and they all understand it thoroughly. If you still have questions please let me know.

Since they worked so hard we had a dance party:)


Language: Today we continued to talk about commas. We reviewed the situations where we use a comma together on the board. Next I gave each partner set a sentence and they had to figure out where the comma went and place a piece of elbow pasta where it should go. They had a lot of fun!

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Spelling test Friday
*Spelling due thursday
*Math worksheet
*Read 25 minutes

*Label clothing

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