Wednesday 18 January 2017

Wednesday January 18th 2017


Today was Zackery's birthday! Happy Birthday Zackery!

Here is what we did today.

International Day: We continued to work on our good copies of our Italy topics. They are sounding really good!
Desk Clean up: We cleaned some of our desks that are turning into black holes!
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


Math: Today we worked on making change by counting up. It was a tricky concept so we sat together on the carpet and did many examples together. Here is a list of the steps we took. Each time the kids do a question I would like to see this process as it helps me understand their process they took.

UOI: We continued to work on your UOI summative. They are taking the explanation home in order to finish it. Each forces and motion topic covered in their project should have at least 3 sentences in order to receive a level 3. More than 3 sentences for some of the topics would be a level four.


Music: Please see Mr. Oliver's blog for more information.
Gym: Please see Mr. H's blog for more information.

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

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