Wednesday 11 January 2017

Wednesday January 11th


I am so glad to be back! I missed everyone !

Here is what we did today.

Organizing: We put away some papers into our apple binders.
Language/UOI: Today we wrote goals for 2017! They had to write two memories from 2016 and something they were proud of of for 2016. For 2017 they had to discuss: three places they wanted to go, 2 things they were excited for, 1 goal for this year and 1 learner profile they want to work on. They are in the hallway for you to look at!
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


UOI: Today we talked about Mechanical Energy. We talked about the process of mechanical energy starting with potential energy (Energy that is stored up and not moving), Kinetic energy (Anything that is in motion) and the final stage work (The task is completed). We sorted some pictures on the board together. Finally in groups they had to come up with a task that would fit with the mechanical energy process. They also presented them to the class. They are all the board in the classroom for you to see!

Next we reviewed the topics we have talked about so far and wrote definition for each one. We have made a word wall behind the door of our classroom!


Math: Today we talked about elapsed time. We explained that a "mountain" was worth an hr, a "hill" Was worth 5 or 10 mins and a "rock" was worth a minute. We use a timeline to draw out the mountain, hill and rocks to determine how long it took to complete a task or a what time they finished a task on. It was a tricky concept but they are starting to get it!

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

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