Tuesday 28 March 2017

Tuesday March 28th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Language: We started the day off with Stuart Little chapter 13/14. As we near the end of the world we are starting to wonder how things are going to end! As a result, we made predictions as to what is going to happen. We used our knowledge of what is happening in the book to say WHY we think. We talked about how we cant assume things but merely say WHY we think things will happen based on events that already occurred. This was tricky and it is part of the DRA so it is important to practice.
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


Math: Today we started talking about division! We talked about what division was and why we use it.

Next we talked about how division is a multiplication sentence all mixed up. We did some examples on the board and drew some pictures to help us understand. We also talked about the mathematical language for a division sentence. The answer is the Quotient, the total is the dividend and the number of groups is the divisor.

Next we did some work with cubes in which they had to figure out a division sentence based on their cubes and write it on a whiteboard. Finally we ended the period with math out of the textbook.

UOI: Today we started talking about fairy tales! We brainstormed what we knew about fairy tales already and what they needed to have to be a fairy tale. Next I split them into four groups. Each group had one fairy tale and they had to write determine how the features fit with their fairy tale. They did this for four fairy tales.


UOI: We continued with our fairy tale rotation.
We ended the day with gym.

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Stuart little chapter 13/14
*Math page 86/87
*Spelling due Thursday
*Spelling Test Friday
*Read 25 mins

*Autism awareness casual day Friday Bring $2
*Casual day Wednesday
*After care fees due
*Lunch Orders due

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