Thursday 1 December 2016

Thursday December 1st 2016


Here is what we did today.

Art Reach: Today most of the class went to art reach and they made snowman banners! They were taught by an artist and had lots of fun! Here are some pictures!


UOI: Today we worked on an IB learner profile. We talked about what it means to be a good communicator. They told me that communicators listen respectfully to each others ideas. Next we read a beautiful book called “Sitti’s secrets”. It was about how a girl named Mona communicates with her Grandmother, her Sitti. They don't speak the same language so they use her dad to communicate and create their own language. The pictures were beautiful! This book led us to talk about non-verbal communication. It inspired some of the children in the class to try and only communicate through non-verbal communication. They did really well! I was so impressed! Finally we ended this period by playing communication games. First we played broken telephone. Next we played a game in which they had to describe an object without saying the word or a synonym for that word. It was a great period!

Math: Today we worked on comparing numbers using the symbols < and >. We called them alligators. We did some questions on the board and learned that the mouth of the alligator eats the bigger number because the bigger number gives it more food (The wide part of the symbol points to the bigger number). Next each person wrote two numbers on their whiteboard and they had to use a pipe

cleaner to put the symbol correctly. We switched whiteboards several times and they had a blast.


Math: They completed textbook work. They were challenged to write instructions for how they put three numbers in ordcr. They had to think step by step how they did it. It was a great question! They found it hard but most of them did it!

Gym: Please see Mr. H’s blog for more information.

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

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