Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Tuesday February 28th 2017


Here is what we did today.

IB: We started off the day with the IB awards! Munira won the open minded award for our class! Great job Munira! Avaneesh also won the open minded award from Mme. Stella! Great work Avaneesh!

Pancakes: Then we had pancakes for pancake Tuesday! Here are some pictures of all of the craziness!

Language: Today we read a book called Thank you Mr Falker for our IB caring learner profile lesson. We talked about who was caring in the story and what would have happened to her if people caring! It was a heart warming story about a girl with Dyslexia. Here is a link to the book if you want to listen to the book!

Next we talked about text to self connections. We talked about moments when we felt like one of the characters and made connections to our self. We talked about it was important to make those connections while we are reading.
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


Math: Today we started working on multiplication!! They were very excited. Today we started talking about how multiplication is repeated addition and how it needed equal groups. We did some examples together on the carpet and then they did textbook work. They are all very excited!

UOI: We continued to work on our summatives.

Please make sure that the information your children are bringing in is not using very adult language. Some students are having a hard time understanding what the material means.


UOI: Today we did our debate as a class! They did very well and came up with great arguments! We have some future debaters on our hands!

Have a great night!

Miss. Ross

*Read 25 mins-log
*Summative research and materials
*Spelling due Thursday
*Spelling Test Friday
*Math Page 174-175

*March Break camps forms
*Squash/coding due March 3rd
*Field trip Friday

Sprit week next week!
Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Crazy hair day/bright colour day
Wednesday: Princess/superhero day
Thursday: House Colours
Friday: St. Patrick's Day

Monday, 27 February 2017

Monday February 27th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Language: Today we talked about comparative adjectives and superlative adjectives. A comparative adjective compares two twos things together and ends in "er". We also talked about superlative adjectives. This compares two or more things together and ends in "est". We did a scavenger hunt in which they had to compare two things together and find the comparative adjective that fits the best.
Math: We started the math test. The tests will be sent home tomorrow.
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


Math: We continued to work on the math test.
UOI: We started working on our summative! Please make sure that all of the research has been brought in for Tomorrow (Tuesday February 28th). All materials and pictures should be brought in as well.


Music: Please see Mr. Oliver's blog for more information.
We finally ended the day with Gym with Ms. Tyson.

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Read 25 mins-log
*Summative research and materials
*Spelling due Thursday
*Spelling Test Friday

*March Break camps forms
*Karate forms due February 27th
*Squash/coding due March 3rd
*Field trip forms due Monday
*Field trip Friday

Sprit week next week!
Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Crazy hair day/bright colour day
Wednesday: Princess/superhero day
Thursday: House Colours
Friday: St. Patrick's Day

Star of the Week

Last week our star of the week was Munira! Great work!!

Friday February 24th 2017


Here is what we did on Friday.

We recited our poems this morning and sat quietly while we listened to everyone else's!

Here is Manny's presentation of his poem on stage:https://youtu.be/6BVHsiLZXuQ
Here is Vanshi's presentation of her poem on stage: https://youtu.be/Kkq0YDhvges

Vanshi and Manny came first and second! Great work !! They will be going on to read their poems on Wednesday March 1st when the Maples joins us.


We listened to the Grade 4-8's read their speeches. This gave us a good idea of what we will be doing next year!


Since the speeches took a long time and went in recess, the kids had extra recess time.
We finished off the day with outdoor gym!

Miss. Ross

*Read 25 mins-log
*Math page review booklet
*Math Test Monday
*Reading Comp monday
*Summative research due Monday

*March Break camps forms
*Karate forms due February 27th
*Squash/coding due March 3rd
*Field trip forms due Monday

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Thursday February 23rd 2017


Here is what we did today.

Language: We continued working on our debate sheets. We did better today with working as a team!
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


Poems: We had some time on stage so Manny and Vanshi could practice their poems on stage with the microphone!
Math: We started working on a review package for the test on Monday. More review will be given tomorrow.
UOI: We finished off our debate sheets and started practicing. The debate will be tomorrow or Monday depending on the amount of time after the poem/speech competition.


Music: Please see Mr. Oliver's blog for more information.
We finished off the day with gym.

*Read 25 mins-log
*Math page review booklet
*Fix math mistakes

*March Break camps forms
*Lunch orders due February 24th

*After care fees due February 24th
*Casual day Fundraiser Friday

*Karate forms due February 27th
*Squash/coding due March 3rd
*Aftercare programs due Friday

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Sound Scape Video

Here is a video of the soundscape we made on Tuesday!


Wednesday February 22nd 2017


Here is what we did today.

Language: Today in language we started talking about a debate! We will be doing a debate in UOI so we took this time to help understand what a debate is, the difference between fact and opinion as well as learning to form an opinion.
Math: We started talking about improper fractions and mixed fractions. As we do not know how to multiply, we used counting up in order to complete this.

Improper fraction to mixed number:

1. How many times will the denominator go into the numerator?
2. How many are left?
3. Denominator stayed the same.

Mixed number to Improper Fraction:

1. Count up using the denominator and the Whole number
2. Add the numerator.
3. The denominator stays the same.

If you have any questions please let me know. Here are some sheets as reference:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


Math: We continued to do work on the board, on our whiteboards and from the textbook. As this was a confusing concept to understand we did this for a while today! I think they all understand it quite well.


UOI: We started working on our debates! They have been separated into two groups, country and city. They started working on their main ideas for their debates today. They will be finishing the sheet tomorrow and starting the debate. Some people needed to be reminded of how to be a good communicator, to be open minded to new ideas and be respectful to other people. They are doing well!
We finished the day off with gym.

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Read 25 mins-log
*Spelling test Signed
*Math page 156-157
*Fix math mistakes

*March Break camps forms
*Lunch orders due February 24th
*After care fees due February 24th
*Casual day Fundraiser Friday

*Karate forms due February 27th
*Squash/coding due March 3rd
*Aftercare programs due Friday
*Talent show auditions tomorrow
*Last day to hand in movie night forms is tomorrow!

Action Star!

Yesterday Rajan was an action star when he brought in information on country and city life! Great job Rajan!

Poem Videos!

They all did AMAZING! I am so proud of them!

Avaneesh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgOq0O1ZXFo

Ronit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21S4HBNCSzU

Aamna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6XuR7ztwXs

Divyansh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDuFB28L6LQ

Joshua: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w6UlS4RRCA

Manny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeO1JTYtezg

Vanshi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U3I7MzoCto

Aanika: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcgDQWOP5tg

Elina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUZEcGvu_u4

Eva: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al1KQvhgQGM

Munira: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nX9y6N4OvmM

Bosco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I88WsKMvyc

Rajan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkRLnWJAQI0

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Tuesday February 21st 2017


Today was Bosco's birthday! Happy Birthday Bosco!

Here is what we did today.

Poems: We started off the day completing our poems with the rest of the grade 3 classes in Miss. Glover's room. Stay tuned for videos of each person's poem
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


Math: Today we talked about the many ways we can show a fraction: Fractions of a set, fractions of a whole, fractions of a length, using a symbol and using words. Next we did some textbook work.

Poems: We continued working on our poems.


Music/UOI: Today we did a soundscape in music of the country and the city. We separated the classes into country and city and they all had the chance to share what their sound was and what it was suppose to sound like. Next we did them all on their own and the second time we slowly added each one in.  They sounded really good! Stay tuned for the videos!
We finished the day in gym.

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Read 25 mins-log
*Spelling test Signed
*Math page 154-155
*Community booklet If not already handed in

*March Break camps forms
*Lunch orders due February 24th
*After care fees due February 24th
*Casual day Fundraiser February 24th

Friday, 17 February 2017

Star of the week

This week our star of the week was Rajan! Good work Rajan!

A response to our Remembrance Day letters

To all the students at St. Jude’s Academy.

Thank you for the thoughtful letters you guys wrote for us! The drawings you guys did are beautiful!  We were thrilled to receive them.  Canada has sent us here on ‘Operation Hamlet’, which is Canada’s contribution to the United Nations Mission in Haiti.  There are five of us here who are part of Canada’s Task Force Port-au-Prince.  Port-au-Prince is the capital of Haiti and is where the Mission Headquarters is located.  Maybe your teacher can show you where that is on the map.  We work here with police officers from around the world (also a lot from Canada).  

Haiti is a country that has experienced a lot of problems in the past such as natural disasters (heavy rain, hurricanes and earthquakes). We are here as part of the military contribution to help ensure the Haitian people, especially children and women to have a stable and secure environment to live in.  The country recently elected a new government which will lead the Haitian people and hopefully create a safer and healthier place to live for everyone.

Sometimes it can be a little lonely when you are away from family and friends, particularly during the holidaysIt is such a nice feeling for us that you guys took the time to send us a little something to show us support for Remembrance Day.

Remember, you are part of the future for Canada so make us all proud! Although it is our pleasure to serve Canada the best that we can, sometimes it means being away from our family and friends for a long time. Your letters to us help to ensure the high morale of our Task Force. Good luck at school, summer is coming!

We sent a collage of pictures as well.  It has all of our pictures on it, and some of the activities that we do here in Haiti.

Thank you very much.

Task Force Port-au-Prince

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Thursday February 16th 2017


Here is what we did today.

As today was the 100th day of school, we did activities related to 100!

UOI: As we have been talking about the city and the country. We made pictures of what we thought the city or country would look like in 100 years! We painted and had lots of fun. They will be displayed outside the classroom. 

French: Please see Mme Stella's blog for more information. 


Math: Today we continued to talk about fractions of a set. We used fruit loops to explore how we can take fractions of a group of items. We found 1/2 in two ways, 1/4 in two ways and1/5 in two ways. We had lots of fun! 

Language: We practiced our poems in front of the class for the competition on Tuesday. 


Spelling: Spelling tests have been handed out and should be returned on Monday
Next the children had Gym

Have a great long weekend!

Miss Ross

*Read 25 mins-log
*Spelling test Signed
*Math page 152-153
*Community booklet Monday
*Sound scape Monday

*Poem competition on Tuesday
*March Break camps forms
*Lunch orders due February 24th
*After care fees due February 24th
*Casual day Fundraiser February 24th

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Wednesday February 15th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Language: We started off doing some cursive writing then worked on our poems. They are coming along very well! We will be presenting them on February 21st. Another teacher will judge them and choose who moves on.
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


UOI: We have been learning about different types of communities. As a result, we are creating a community book that demonstrates what they know about that community. They worked on it today and it will be homework over the long weekend. A checklist will be provided in order to make sure that they are detailed. This will be formally marked.
Math: Today we talked about fractions of a set. First we talked about what the difference is between fractions of a set ( splitting a group of 12 WHOLE marbles into quarters) and fractions of a whole (splitting one item into several pieces, a pizza). Next we did some questions from the textbook.


Music: Please see Mr. Oliver's blog for more information.
Gym: Please see Mr. H's blog for more information.

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross


*Read 25 mins-log
*Spelling test Thursday
*Spelling due Thursday
*Math page 150-151

*Movie night due February 16th
*March Break camps forms
*Lunch orders due February 24th
*After care fees due February 24th
*Casual day Fundraiser February 24th

Casual Day Fundraiser

Tuesday February 14th 2017


Here is what we did on Valentine's Day!

We started the day with a Valentine's Day house game!

Math: We started learning about fractions of a length. We did examples on the board and found the fraction that was coloured in and the fractions that were not coloured in. Next we did some work together on the whiteboards and from the textbook on their whiteboards. Finally we did a valentines day fraction scavenger hunt!

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


Crafts: We made cards using q tips and made designs with paint! Next we made our bow and arrow hearts! We used cardboard and wrapped it with yarn. Next put a dowel through the back and glued on the arrows on the end. It wasnt an easy craft but they loved it!


Treats: We handed out all of our treats and did our agendas
Gym: Please see Mr. H's blog for more information.

We ended the day with a dance party!

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Monday February 13th 2017


Here is what we did on Monday.

Language: We worked on our OWA post assessment. Writing a letter to a new student about the rules and the routines of the classroom.
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.


We had so much fun in the snow today! Take a look!

Language: We continued to work on our OWA.
UOI: We worked with Ms. Glover's class to learn more about a city community. We broke into expert groups and each took a topic to research and talk about. They wrote about them and we will be presenting them on Wednesday.


Music: Please see Mr. Oliver's blog for more information.
Gym: Please see Mr. H's blog for more information

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross