Here is what we did today.
IB: We started off the day with the IB awards! Munira won the open minded award for our class! Great job Munira! Avaneesh also won the open minded award from Mme. Stella! Great work Avaneesh!
Pancakes: Then we had pancakes for pancake Tuesday! Here are some pictures of all of the craziness!
Next we talked about text to self connections. We talked about moments when we felt like one of the characters and made connections to our self. We talked about it was important to make those connections while we are reading.
French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.
Math: Today we started working on multiplication!! They were very excited. Today we started talking about how multiplication is repeated addition and how it needed equal groups. We did some examples together on the carpet and then they did textbook work. They are all very excited!
UOI: We continued to work on our summatives.
Please make sure that the information your children are bringing in is not using very adult language. Some students are having a hard time understanding what the material means.
UOI: Today we did our debate as a class! They did very well and came up with great arguments! We have some future debaters on our hands!
Have a great night!
Miss. Ross
*Read 25 mins-log
*Spelling due Thursday
*Spelling Test Friday
*Math Page 174-175
*Field trip Friday
Sprit week next week!
Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Crazy hair day/bright colour day
Wednesday: Princess/superhero day
Thursday: House Colours
Friday: St. Patrick's Day