Thursday, 21 December 2017

Thursday December 21st 2017


Here is what we did on Thursday.

Assembly: This morning we had a long assembly! We watched officers get pied in the face, played a trivia house game, did our communicator award and judged the ugly sweater contest! Congratulations to our communication award winner!

It was a fun day full of colouring, crosswords, watching movies and reading! 


Gym: Please see Mr. B's blog for more information
Music: Please see Mr. Oliver's blog for more information


French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Homework: I have sent home 2 reading comprehension assignments and a small math review package to complete over the break for practice.

I wish everyone a very fun, safe and relaxing holidays. I can't wait to see what the new year has in store for my class. From the bottom of my heart I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Wednesday December 20th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Journal: We started off the day doing a descriptive paragraph about what we are excited about over the holidays.
DRAs: Next we started doing DRAs. While I did them the kids worked on some Christmas Mad Libs, word search and some line art. We talked about using a variety of colours in order to make the picture pop!
Practice: We also practiced for the christmas concert.


Gym: Please see Mr. B's blog for more information
DRAs: We continued doing DRAs and our Christmas package.

Christmas concert!

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Raz kids twice before sunday
*Read 25 minutes

*Toys for tots due tomorrow
*After care due December 21st
*Christmas concert Wednesday arrive 6:30--Wear red, green and white

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Tuesday December 19th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Christmas concert dress rehearsal

Christmas door: We all worked on our door for the door decorating competition!


Christmas door: We all worked on our door for the door decorating competition!

Daily Language review
Christmas concert rehearsal
Presentations: We worked on our pioneer presentations


French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.
Tree: We decorated our Christmas tree!

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Raz kids twice before sunday
*Read 25 minutes
*Math worksheet

*Toys for tots

*After care due December 21st
*Christmas concert Wednesday arrive 6:30--Wear red, green and white tomorrow all day
*Wear dress rehearsal clothes tomorrow

Monday, 18 December 2017

Monday December 18th 2017


Math: Today we learned how to make a pictograph! We looked at a table and learned what 4 important things to include on our pictograph: The title, axis label, the key and the symbol. We spoke about making sure we chose a number for our key that would allow us to use the least amount of symbols and makes the most sense with all of our numbers on the table. The students worked on some textbook questions.
Christmas Concert Rehearsal


Gym: Please see Mr. B's blog for more information
Christmas: Today we made an ornament with words of kindness to hang outside of our classroom.  They had many nice things to say about each other!
Christmas Concert Rehearsal


French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.
IB Binders

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Raz kids twice before sunday
*Read 25 minutes
*Math worksheet

*Toys for tots

*After care due December 21st
*Christmas concert Wednesday arrive 6:30--Wear red, green and white
*Wear dress rehearsal clothes tomorrow

Friday, 15 December 2017

Star of the week

This week our star of the week was Vidhi! Welcome back Vidhi! Great work!

Friday December 15th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Math: Today we talked about circle graphs! We started by talking about fractions. We learned that the bottom of the fraction is the total and the top is the number of parts we are talking about. We also learned that the bigger the number gets, the smaller the piece of the circle graph (Just like sharing a pie with friends. The more friends you have to share with the smaller the piece of pie you get!) Next we did some questions together from the textbook and they did some questions independently.

Music: They spent music in the auditorium watching Christmas concert as Mr. Oliver is running it.

Christmas concert practice


Gym: They spent gym in the auditorium watching Christmas concert as Mr. B is helping to run it.
Language: Today we finished worked on our fractured fairy tale planning sheet!


UOI: Today we finished worked on our fractured fairy tale planning sheet!

Spelling test: They will be returned on Monday.

Have a good weekend!

Miss. Ross

*Raz kids twice before sunday
*Read 25 minutes
*Math worksheet
*Reading Comprehension due Monday

*Toys for tots
*After care due December 21st

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Thursday December 14th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Math: Today we learned how to read bar graph and pictographs. We learned about what are the axes, they are used to tell you what data is being displayed. We learned that pictographs use symbols to show data. A key shows what each symbol represents. The numbers on the axis show the scale. The range is the difference between the greatest value and the least value on the graph.

Language: We did our daily language review. Then we discussed the features of a Fairy Tale. We brainstormed different fairy tales and in groups they complete a recipe for 2 fairy tales. They had to describe how the fairy tale of their choice met all the criteria/features of a Fairy Tale. 


Gym: Please see Mr. B's blog for more information.
UOI: In groups, we discussed what a fractured fairy tale could be. We learned that in fractured fairy tales either the characters, the ending or the point of view is changed. We read two fractured fairy tale stories which demonstrated each change in a classic fairy tale. The students began to work on their own fractured fairy tale! They are so excited. They are going to be changing one part of the story. We will continue to work on this for the next few days.


Christmas Concert: We watched the Oakwood Christmas concert! They did so well!

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

*Spelling test Friday
*Raz kids twice before sunday
*Read 25 minutes
*Math worksheet

*Toys for tots
*After care due December 21st

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Wednesday December 13th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Math: Today we began to read tables and graphs. We learned what a variable is and how to properly read columns and rows. We learned that a table helps us to organize information and the more variables you have the more ways to categorize information.  We did some worksheets together and then did some independently.
Music: Please see Mr. Oliver's blog for more information.
Language: We did our daily language review. Today we used our describing skills to talk about Christmas morning or another holiday they celebrate. They practiced describing things using our 5 senses. The paragraphs really turned out great. 


Christmas concert: We practiced our song for the concert.
UOI: Today we practiced writing sentences that described a feeling so that an individual could make an inference based on what you are saying. We made a Show and Don't Tell Chart! This activity really got them to think more outside the box.


French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Have a good night!

* Spelling due Thursday
*Spelling test Friday
*Book fair Dec 7-14
*Spelling test signed
*Raz kids twice before sunday
*Read 25 minutes

*Toys for tots

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Tuesday December 12th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Math: Today we did our math pre-test for our new unit data management!
Language: Today we did our OWA pre-assessment for a narrative! When we finished we did our daily language review and silent reading.


Christmas concert: We practiced for our concert next week. They sound so good! I cant wait for everyone to see it! Keep practicing at home please!

Presentations: We did some of our pioneer presentations
UOI: Today we used our describing skills to talk about Christmas morning or another holiday they celebrate. We first reviewed what we did together yesterday and then made a list of things we could be describing. I am so impressed they are getting really good at this! Take a look!


Christmas concert: We watched the JK to 2 Christmas concert!

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

* Spelling due Thursday
*Spelling test Friday
*Book fair Dec 7-14
*Spelling test signed
*Raz kids twice before sunday
*Read 25 minutes

*Toys for tots
*Christmas ornaments form
*Choir tomorrow at 6:30--Red, white or green

Monday, 11 December 2017

Monday December 11th 2017


Here is what we did today.

Math: Today we did our math test. I am going to do my best to mark them this week.
Language: We did our daily language review. Today we worked on our banner for the Christmas concert!


Gym: Please see Mr. B's blog for more information
UOI: Today we went outside and used our senses to describe the scenery around us. This helped us brainstorm ideas and descriptive words that we could use in our writing. When we went back to class, as a class we created a descriptive paragraph about the scene that we experienced when we were outside. The students closed their eyes as I read it to them so they could picture it in their heads. They did so well! Our descriptive writing is really coming along. We talked about how we dont need to say " I can feel..." or "I can see..." etc. We just state what we can feel instead. For example: Instead of saying "I can feel the snow on my tongue" we can see "Snow falling all around me and landing on my tongue". It is more descriptive!


French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Have a good night!

Miss. Ross

* Spelling due Thursday
*Spelling test Friday
*Book fair Dec 7-14
*Spelling test signed
*Raz kids twice before sunday
*Read 25 minutes

*Toys for tots
*Christmas ornaments form
*Choir tomorrow at 6:30--Red, white or green

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Friday December 8th 2017

*Raz kids twice before Sunday
*Math review due Monday
*Math test December 11

*Book fair 7-14
*Toys for tots
*Christmas ornament forms